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1. Students should reach school for normal classes,special classes and examination in time.Students reaching after schedule time may not be allowed.

2. They should bring school diary every day.

3. While going to the assembly or the respective classes students should maintain perfect discipline. In classrooms they should keep their books and copies ready before teacher arrives.

4. Students should not speak loudly or use any vernacular language within the school premises.

5. Any student found outside the classroom while the class is in progress , without due permission shall be liable for disciplinary action.

6. Students should be clean and always neatly dressed.They should come to school in full school uniform only.

7. All boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals and both boys and girls hair should be properly oiled , combed and tied.

8. Phone numbers are maintained in the school diary to inform parents immediately if a child becomes ill or distressed.

Special Rules

1. Students must use English language as sole means of communication. Students who converse in non English language in the school premises are liable to be punished.

2. They should not use improper gestures or manners which lowers the dignity of the school image,both within and outside of the school premises.

3. Students should be very polite wherever they go.They should always remember that the school is Judged by their behaviour and conduct.

4. Care must be taken of all school property. Any damage seen or done even by accident must be reported & penalized.

5. Special attention must be adhered to maintain a high standard of morality and discipline in the School.

6. During the free period student should go to library for consulting reference book.

7. No Mobile or any electronic gadget should be brought in the school premises.

8. No students can ride Motor Cycles / Scooters.

9. Every assessment,project and assignments are conducted maintaining the stipulated date given in the academic calendar.

Absence Rules

1. It is compulsory for the students to complete 80% of their attendance in their Academic Session. Principal may consider 5% of attendance for major illness with proper medical documents.

2. Students should not be absent unnecessarily or for simple reasons considering the syllabus of Plus-Two.

3. Students are themselves responsible to make up for the work missed during the period of their absence.

4. No student who has been absent on the previous day will be permitted to enter the class without permission of class teacher.

5. All students must be present on the opening day and after any vacation.

6. No leave of absence more than two days is generally granted except on medical ground.Student should produce a proper Doctor’s certificate of fitness to resume the classes.

7. No re-examination will be held for the students who remain absent in the examinations./p>

8. Students may only take leave with prior sanction by PRINCIPAL only.